Ubucon Europe 2019

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Ubucon Europe 2019

Ubucon is an event organized by the Ubuntu Communities from all around the world. The focus of the event is Ubuntu, an open source, community-driven and free linux distribution,  and other free and open source technologies.

This year, this event will be organized in Sintra, Portugal, in October 2019. 

We are preparing four full days of sprints, workshops, conferences, talks and social events for all participants.

Fecha y Hora
jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019
Inicio - 10:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
domingo, 13 de octubre de 2019
Fin - 17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)

Ubucon Europe 2019

Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval
Praça Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro
--Ubucon Europe 2019--
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Ubucon Europe

--Ubucon Europe--

Descubra lo que la gente ve y dice sobre este evento, y únase a la conversación.